


Organized By:


Opioids: Learn How to Save a Life with Naloxone



Organized By:


Opioids: Learn How to Save a Life with Naloxone



Organized By:


Substance Misuse Task Force

The Substance Misuse Task Force is comprised of community members who work together to develop initiatives to educate and inform the community of the impacts of substance use on teens as well as adults. The task force also works on helping get resources to the areas in the community that are affected most by substance use.

Anyone who has a passion for educating the general public on substance misuse and/or helping others who are currently struggling with substance misuse should be a part of this task force. You do not have to have knowledge about addiction, you just have to have a heart for people.

If you are interested in joining please email us at



Organized By:


Alcohol and Drug Information School

This class provides education about alcohol and other substances, their effects on the body and brain, and the risks associated with impaired driving. It promotes healthier lifestyle choices by equipping participants with knowledge and strategies to make safer decisions regarding substance use.

Participants must complete the full 8-hour course. Upon successful completion, they will receive a certificate that may be required for legal or court purposes.

To register call 785.266.8666 or email



Organized By:


Clase de Educación acerca del Alcohol y otras Substancias

La clase se presenta completamente en Español

Esta clase proporciona educación sobrealcohol y drogas y promueve opcionesde estilo de vida más saludables.Además, es requerida para personasque tienen un cargo por DUI (Manejarbajo la influencia) de acuerdo con la leydel estado de Kansas K.S.A. 8- 1567 lacual les pide esta clase de educaciónde 8 horas para adultos mayores de 18años.

Para registrarse llame al 785.266.8666 o envíe un correo electrónico a



Organized By:


Substance Misuse Task Force

The Substance Misuse Task Force is comprised of community members who work together to develop initiatives to educate and inform the community of the impacts of substance use on teens as well as adults. The task force also works on helping get resources to the areas in the community that are affected most by substance use.

Anyone who has a passion for educating the general public on substance misuse and/or helping others who are currently struggling with substance misuse should be a part of this task force. You do not have to have knowledge about addiction, you just have to have a heart for people.

If you are interested in joining please email us at



Organized By:


Substance Misuse Task Force

The Substance Misuse Task Force is comprised of community members who work together to develop initiatives to educate and inform the community of the impacts of substance use on teens as well as adults. The task force also works on helping get resources to the areas in the community that are affected most by substance use.

Anyone who has a passion for educating the general public on substance misuse and/or helping others who are currently struggling with substance misuse should be a part of this task force. You do not have to have knowledge about addiction, you just have to have a heart for people.

If you are interested in joining please email us at



Organized By:


Substance Misuse Task Force

The Substance Misuse Task Force is comprised of community members who work together to develop initiatives to educate and inform the community of the impacts of substance use on teens as well as adults. The task force also works on helping get resources to the areas in the community that are affected most by substance use.

Anyone who has a passion for educating the general public on substance misuse and/or helping others who are currently struggling with substance misuse should be a part of this task force. You do not have to have knowledge about addiction, you just have to have a heart for people.

If you are interested in joining please email us at

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